When I was 17, I moved out of my mom’s house and into an apartment with my then boyfriend. I couldn’t wait to get out of my mother’s house and out from under her covering. My boyfriend ended up being controlling and at times, abusive. I left one situation where I was covered into another. He would make me wear big, baggy clothes because he didn’t want other men to see my body and be attracted. For years, I obliged. I left my boyfriend for good when I was 21. I immediately joined the military. I was looking forward to be an adult on my own; independent. But in the military I was covered. I had little control of my life. I had to conduct myself according to military standard and regulations. I had to work and live where the military directed me to. My conduct had to be exemplary while I was on and off duty. Right before I got out of the military I started meditating every day. I began really tapping into myself. The more I did that, the more I realized that who I was daily was just a persona. I was not being my authentic self so after 12 1/2 years, I left the military and went in search of myself. What I’ve come to realize is that I need to live a life uncovered. I have no desire to be under the umbrella of anyone or anything. An umbrella protects you, but it also creates a ceiling beyond which you have no access. We are created to be limitless. The only limitations that we encounter are the ones we place on ourselves. We can only go as far as we believe we can. I desire to live a life without limits, one where there are no ceilings. I’ve created a belief that I need a job in order to have finances, security and freedom. How crazy is it to believe that something that hinders your freedom can provide freedom? That’s a ceiling that I’ve created but am working to release. There is so much power in believing that you can soar as high as you dare and higher. I’m choosing to live a life uncovered. In what ways are you covered?
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