🤔 Do we know the difference between the two? Some think that force and power are the same energies but they aren’t. In some of my relationships, I was super forceful, very dominant. I would force and manipulate my partners to get them to do what I wanted. I thought that was the way women, strong women were supposed to show up in relationships. I thought being a strong, proud black woman meant asserting my control over people and situations. I thought crying and any other kind of vulnerability were signs of weakness. It wasn’t until I learned how powerful all of my emotions are that I started to step away from the need to control and force.
What I know now is that power is a feminine energy and it’s so much more powerful than force. I know that I am powerful regardless to what emotional state I’m in. I get more from my partners and our relationships by allowing myself to be vulnerable with them. Before, I didn’t trust the people that I was with to hold my vulnerability or not take advantage of the emotional spaces I would find myself in. In being authentically feminine, I can now trust that any man I chose to be in a relationship with is more than capable of supporting me regardless to where I am. I’ve learned the power of trusting them because I’ve learned the power of trusting myself.
So now I don’t force. That’s actually too masculine of an energy for me to dwell in. I recognize how it feels in my body and my energetic field when I’m trying to force. What I do instead is sink into my power and allow. I allow whatever I’m desiring to flow into my experience. If I want to hear from one of my loves, I don’t call repeatedly or send a bunch of texts. I just sink into my feminine power and feel them contacting me and they do. Or I sink into my feminine energy to call up the best way to communicate with them. What comes up is what I express to them. I feel more feminine and they experience me being more feminine.
Do you know the difference between power and force? How? How do you experience the two?